
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Department of Information, Media and Communication
Finkenau 35
22081 Hamburg

Contact Information

Friederike Hanisch


Dipl.-Bibl. Friederike Hanisch was a researcher at the Department of Information at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Her primary areas of research included Web accessibility, Universal Design and behavior of search engines users, particularly with regard to people with disabilities.

Friederike received her Diploma in Library and Information Science in 2008 from die Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany. During her diploma thesis she worked at the research center of the Daimler AG Ulm, Germany. From 2008 to 2010 she worked at a publishing company in Hamburg, before she came to Hamburg University of Applied Sciences.

Selected publications

Lewandowski, D.; Kerkmann, F.; Rümmele, S.; Sünkler, S. (2018): An empirical investigation on search engine ad disclosure. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 69(2018)3, 420-437.

Lewandowski, D.; Sünkler, S.; Kerkmann, F. (2017): Are Ads on Google Search Engine Results Pages Labeled Clearly Enough? The Influence of Knowledge on Search Ads on Users’ Selection Behaviour. In: M. Gäde/V. Trkulja/V. Petras (Eds.): Everything Changes, Everything Stays the Same? Understanding Information Spaces. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI 2017), Berlin, 13th—15th March 2017. Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, pp. 62—74.

Sünkler, S.; Kerkmann, F.; Quirmbach, S.; Schultheiß, S. (2016): Sprachgesteuerte Websuche im Test – Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus der Perspektive von Auftraggeber, Auftragnehmer und Durchführendem. In: Heinrich C. Mayr, Martin Pinzger (Hrsg.): INFORMATIK 2016, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2016.

Lewandowski, D.: Kerkmann, F.; Sünkler, S. (2014): Wie Nutzer im Suchprozess gelenkt werden: Zwischen technischer Unterstützung und interessengeleiteter Darstellung. In: Stark, B.; Dörr, D.; Aufenanger, S. (Hrsg.): Die Googleisierung der Informationssuche – Suchmaschinen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Nutzung und Regulierung. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014, S. 75-97.

Kerkmann, F. (2013): Web Accessibility. Informatik Spektrum 36(5), 455-460.

Kerkmann, F.; Lewandowki, D. (2012): Accessibility of Web Search Engines: Towards a deeper understanding of barriers for people with disabilities. Library Review 61(8/9), 608-621.


  1. 2015

    Usability Engineer

    Chamber of Industry and Commerce Köln
  2. 2008

    Diploma in Library and Information Science

    Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Professional Experience

  1. 2010-2018
    Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
  2. 2008-2010
    Employee for offers and contracts
    Verlag Dr. Kovac
  3. 2008
    Graduating student
    Daimler AG / Research Center Ulm