RAT Call for studies

Call for studies using our RAT software

We invite you to use our research software, RAT, for your search engine studies!

What is RAT?

RAT stands for Result Assessment Tool, which is a web-based research software developed by the Search Studies research group at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. With RAT, you can easily design and conduct studies based on search results.

With RAT, you can:

  • Scrape results from multiple search engines, including Google, Bing, and Ecosia
  • Export the scraped results in CSV format for further statistical analysis
  • Measure the search engine optimization (SEO) probability of search results and the overlap of results between search engines
  • Provide a user-friendly interface with various scales for result evaluation

Why was RAT created?

Accessing search engine data can be challenging. As a result, researchers often collect data manually, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. RAT was developed to provide a faster, more adaptable, and more precise solution to aid researchers in their search engine studies.

Why use RAT for your research?

  • Time-saving: RAT is a web-based software that collects search results quickly. All tasks can be done in your browser.
  • Easy to use: We make it our priority to provide a tool that is user-friendly for everyone.
  • Free: RAT is a project funded by the German Research Foundation and will remain open source.

Learn more about RAT: https://searchstudies.org/rat/

Try the RAT demo: http://rat-software.org/home

If you are interested in using the RAT, please send us a short email and we will be happy to assist you with the implementation of your study. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to present your study at the RAT Community Meeting 2024.

Categories: Allgemein, Blog

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